Month: April 2014

An Easter Vacation Under The Palms

by Alix The Easter break in France is coming up soon and since every year I receive the same questions “ Alix could you give me your  vacation recommendations for Miami, I am coming for a week or my sister in law and her new husband are coming to party in Miami, what are the […] Read more…

Lunch avec Monsieur Armani

L’autre jour, comme je feuilletais des magazines de mode – terrible habitude que je justifie en me disant que je fais des recherches pour mon job – m’est revenu à l’esprit le côté cyclique de la mode! Les fashion revues en ce moment ces couleurs pastel, robes super-colorées et minimalistes. Je me suis alors souvenue […] Read more…

Lunch with Armani

As I was flipping through some fashion magazines the other day ( a terrible habit of mine which I justify as work research!) I was reminded of how fashion is cyclical. Noticing all these pastel, especially blush colored dresses and minimalist separates I was reminded of a photo shoot I did back in my modelling […] Read more…

K-beauty, Smart Capsule CC crème

Peut-être avez-vous entendu parler de K-Pop, le courant musical à la mode chez les pop stars coréennes, (et pas seulement PSY et son Gangnam style!); je parle d’un vent de nouveauté qui vaut la peine d’être évoqué : K Pop ou K Beauty même combat! Les produits de beauté venant  de Corée sont très innovants […] Read more…

K-beauty, Smart Capsule CC Cream

Perhaps you’ve heard of K-Pop, the newest sensation of Korean pop stars, (and not just PSY and his Gangnam style!) but I think there’s a new sensation worth talking about; K-Beauty! The beauty products coming out of Korea are innovative and of high quality, enough to put them at the forefront of the International beauty […] Read more…

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