how to brighten up under eye circles picture of four different makeup products with two cucumber rounds

How to brighten up under eye circles

  by Colleen The sensitive under eye area is prone to stress, lack of sleep and dehydration which leads to dark under eye circles. Genetics and the shape of you face also play a part in whether or not you have darkness under the eyes. Concealing them correctly is tricky but done right it can […] Read more…

a girl reading a book on the beach pictured id thee open book in the girl's hand with ocean in the background

1st beach day, 1st swim…

by Alix What a joy this weekend to spend a few hours in South Beach. To reconnect with this gorgeous beach and the ocean so blue, so beautiful, so calm. I know, you’re mostly still exposed to cold while the Spring tumbles today! But we, here in Miami, have the chance to enjoy a super […] Read more…

the French Beauty solution a new book by Mathilde Thomas of Caudalie

Un nouveau livre : The French Beauty Solution…

by Colleen Je suis une grande fan des produits cosmétiques Caudalie. Tout d’abord parce qu’ils ont l’avantage d’être français… Puis car ils contiennent des polyphénols de pépins de raisin qui sont de grands antioxydants et que l’on trouve également dans le vin rouge… (découvrez ici mon régime spécial entretient de la peau). La co-fondatrice de Caudalie, Mathilde […] Read more…

how to use a heated eyelash curler from Japonesque

Comment recourber vos cils…

  by Colleen Les maquilleurs ne jurent que par lui et personnellement il a sa place dans ma routine et c’est idem pour mes clients. Bon je l’admets le recourbe-cils ressemble grandement à un  instrument de torture et la plupart des femmes que je connais s’en méfient :”Je ne sais pas comment l’utiliser». Cependant ce petit instrument […] Read more…

how to use a heated eyelash curler from Japonesque

How to curl your eyelashes

  by Colleen Makeup artists swear by them and personally I use one on myself everyday and on my clients, but eyelash curlers look like instruments of torture and most women I know don’t bother with them. ” I don’t know how to use them” is usually the reason why they don’t, but it makes […] Read more…

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