by Alix

Spring has finally shown itself and Summer is on its way. The tricky question is: are you ready and confident to break out your swimsuit?

So I’m hoping this will help you to start working out with a little selection of my favorite apps for fitness. It’s time to sweat and suffer a bit to be super fit on the beach this summer …

On your Smartphone, ready, set, coaching!



I love: This super fun app measures your heart rate in less than a minute. That’s cool right ?!
What it is: An app that offers a series of exercises to workout in a preset zone for 7 minutes a day with explanatory videos and stats to track your progress.
Price: Free unless you reach pro level …

“Micoach train & run”

MiCoach train & run/adidas

I love: Challenge your last workout every time! It’s competitive!
What is it? An app designed by Adidas that offers different programs of trainings, coached by a virtual teacher. The application also offers access to a blog where you will find answers to all your questions …

Price: Free.

“Abs Workouts”

Abs Workouts

I love: Small girly cartoons that promise you a perfect flat stomach!
What is it? A program of 5 special flat tummy exercises that vary at each session and can be achieved as many times as you want during the week. A virtual coach and a small cartoon explain you the exercise and reward you at the end of the session if you have worked hard enough!

Price: Free up to 12 sessions


I love: The fact that my every move or sports activities of the day are recorded and analyzed !!

What is it? An app that tracks all your movements: walking, running or biking, and sends you a signal every half hour. The goal is to complete at least 30 minutes of activity a day.

Price: Free.

“Nike training club”

Nike + training club

I love: This app is super motivating!
What is it? A great app designated by Nike and allows you… to do everything: to tone up, build muscle and refine. Fitness plan complete in 30 days. Small rewards are offered at each unlocked level (healthy recipes, original exercises …). Super easy to use through the many photos and videos.
Price: Free.



I love: This special running app. And good enough as well for biking and hiking trails!
What is it? One of the favorite running apps. Accurate calculations of distance traveled, calories burned, pace and duration of the run make it one of the most downloaded running apps. Once you fix your objectives, the app supports you and even welcomes the challenge once reached.
Price: Free.



I love: My favorite running app! Top app for statistics and accurate.
What is it? It’s the 3.0 generation above RunKeeper! I never had any loss of data or GPS loosing connection during a running. Precise history and stats that allow you to compare your results from one run to another one or one month to the next. Training to buy are super pro  and perfectly suited to your goal. This app even offers “interval trainings” where you alternate the pace of your run. This app coached me on my last 3 years running and I’m 200% confident using it!
Price: I recommend the pro version, I do not remember the price but so worth it!

Translation & Editing by Camille Boucard

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